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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 736

36801. What about ministry in the event of the resignation or death of the Prime Minister?

Answer: The Ministry is dissolved

36802. The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in which month?

Answer: January

36803. A fan produces a feeling of comfort during hot weather. Why?

Answer: Our perspiration evaporates rapidly

36804. Which is a warm ocean current?

Answer: East Australian current

36805. Which rulers began the construction' of the famous Kailasa rock-cut temple at Ellora?

Answer: Krishna-I

36806. Which was the journalist who refused to accept Padma Bhushan?

Answer: Arun Shourie

36807. When it is P.M. in Tokyo; what is the time at Panama Canal which is located at 180° W of it?

Answer: 8.00 A.M.

36808. Opium-war was fought between which countries?

Answer: Britain and Japan

36809. With which was Tarapore Committee associated?

Answer: Fuller capital account convertibility

36810. Michael Jackson was a distinguished personality in which field?

Answer: Pop music

36811. Rutherford’s scattering experiment related to the size of which thing?

Answer: Nucleus

36812. Which tissue take part in healing the wounds?

Answer: Epithelium tissue

36813. Which Indian cricketer has bagged a deal with ESPN?

Answer: Sachin Tendulkar

36814. Chlorine acts as a bleaching agent only in the presence of which thing?

Answer: Moisture

36815. What is the dense mass of small water drops on smoke particles in the lower layers of the atmosphere?

Answer: Smog

36816. Who was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha?

Answer: Vardhaman Mahavira

36817. In order of their distances from the Sun; which planet lie between Mars and Uranus?

Answer: Jupiter and Saturn

36818. On which date the United Nations Organisation came into existence?

Answer: Oct. 24; 1945

36819. Which is the brightest of all the planets and also known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?

Answer: Venus

36820. How many players are there on each side in a baseball match?

Answer: 5

36821. With whose reign is the Gandhara school of art associated?

Answer: Kanishka

36822. Which ruler in India challenged the authority of the Ulemas or Muslim clergy?

Answer: Alauddin Khilji

36823. Folk painting ‘Madhubani’ is famous in which state?

Answer: Bihar

36824. The ruler which was not invited to join the confederacy to fight against Vijaynagar in the battle of Talikota?

Answer: Berar

36825. The greatest development in the Kushana period was in which field?

Answer: Art

36826. Krishnadeva Raya wrote a famous work; namely Amuktamalyada; in which language?

Answer: Telugu

36827. Which is the contractile protein muscle?

Answer: Myosin

36828. How much blood does an average adult have in the body?

Answer: 5-6 litres

36829. What are the brothers Umakant and Ramakant Gundecha?

Answer: Dhrupad vocalists

36830. Who became the first woman in the world to ski to the North Pole?

Answer: Ann Banoraft

36831. How many gold medals did P.T. Usha win in the 1986 Seoul Asian Games?

Answer: 4

36832. Where was a Buddhisit council during the reign of Ashoka held?

Answer: At Pataliputra

36833. What is the principle by which a cooling system (Radiator) in a motor car works?

Answer: Convection

36834. What was the capital of Ethiopia?

Answer: Addis Ababa

36835. Which rulers fought the fourth Anglo-Mysore in which he was killed?

Answer: Tipu Sultan

36836. Chandragupta Maurya figures prominently in whose book?

Answer: Vishakhdatta

36837. Which are connected by over 1700 km-long BTC oil pipe-line?

Answer: Caspian sea and Mediterranean sea

36838. The headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is located in which city?

Answer: Vienna

36839. Which Strait separates Africa from Europe?

Answer: Strait of Gibraltar

36840. Which muscle is the strongest of all in the human body?

Answer: Thigh

36841. Which mineral is essential for controling heart beat?

Answer: Iodine

36842. Who are not protected against inflation?

Answer: Agricultural farmers

36843. Which an important product is obtained from styles and stigma?

Answer: Saffron

36844. What is the normal cholesterol level in human blood?

Answer: 180-200 mg%

36845. Which Element present in largest amount in human body?

Answer: Oxygen

36846. Which is known as the queen of spices?

Answer: Cardamom

36847. Which climatic type suffers change due to shifting of the World’s Pressure Belts?

Answer: Monsoon

36848. During the fermentation of sugar; which enzyme which converts glucose into ethyl alcohol?

Answer: zymase

36849. What are the atoms of the elements which have same number of neutrons called?

Answer: Isotones

36850. What is the composition of Nitrolim-a chemical fertilizer?

Answer: Calcium carbide and nitrogen
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