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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 848

42401. Feminine Gender of Bull-calf

Answer: Cow-calf

42402. Feminine Gender of Cock-sparrow

Answer: Hen-sparrow

42403. Feminine Gender of Jack-ass

Answer: Jenny-ass

42404. Feminine Gender of Abbot

Answer: Abbess

42405. Feminine Gender of Drone

Answer: Bee

42406. Feminine Gender of Ox

Answer: Cow

42407. Feminine Gender of Brother-in-law

Answer: Sister-in-law

42408. Feminine Gender of Son-in-law

Answer: Daughter-in-law

42409. Feminine Gender of Step-son

Answer: Step-daughter

42410. Feminine Gender of Step-father

Answer: Step-mother

42411. Feminine Gender of Step-brother

Answer: Step-sister

42412. Feminine Gender of Maternal-uncle

Answer: Maternal-aunt

42413. Feminine Gender of Adopted-son

Answer: Adopted-daughter

42414. Feminine Gender of Bullock

Answer: Heifer

42415. Where is the Headquarters of WHO ( World Health Organization) is situated ?

Answer: Geneva

42416. Feminine Gender of Hart

Answer: Roe

42417. Feminine Gender of Friar

Answer: Nun

42418. Feminine Gender of Swain

Answer: Nymph

42419. One word Substitution of " Being unable to pay one"s debt

Answer: Insolvent

42420. One word Substitution of " The study of the functions of the body

Answer: Physiology

42421. One word Substitution of " The science of for telling events by stars

Answer: Astrology

42422. One word Substitution of " Government by officials in a state

Answer: Bureaucracy

42423. One word Substitution of " An office without any work but high pay

Answer: Sinecure

42424. One word Substitution of " A medicine to counteract the effect of a poison.

Answer: Antidote

42425. One word Substitution of " Word for word

Answer: Verbatim

42426. One word Substitution of " Wish to do good to others

Answer: Benevolence

42427. One word Substitution of " Whose meaning is difficult to understand

Answer: Abstruse

42428. One word Substitution of " Way out for water or steam

Answer: Outlet

42429. One word Substitution of " Want of sleep

Answer: Insomnia

42430. One word Substitution of " Usual behaviour of a social group

Answer: Custom

42431. One word Substitution of " Use of mild words in place of words required by truth.

Answer: Euphemism

42432. One word Substitution of " Troops trained for being dropped by parachute

Answer: Paratroops

42433. One word Substitution of " Touch or stroke lovingly

Answer: Fondle / Caress

42434. One word Substitution of " A traditional story related to deities

Answer: Myth

42435. One word Substitution of " That which is pig like

Answer: Porcine

42436. One word Substitution of " Thing to be corrected in a printed book

Answer: Corrigendum

42437. One word Substitution of " Things taken by robbers

Answer: Booty

42438. One word Substitution of " That which is lion like

Answer: Leonine

42439. One word Substitution of " That which is fox like

Answer: Vulpine

42440. One word Substitution of " That which is dog like

Answer: Canine

42441. One word Substitution of " That which exists separately from other people

Answer: Independent

42442. One word Substitution of " That which can not be perceived by touch

Answer: Intangible

42443. One word Substitution of " That which can not be calculated

Answer: Incalculable

42444. One word Substitution of " That which can be rooted out

Answer: Eradicable

42445. One word Substitution of " Study of the development of plants and animals from earlier forms

Answer: Genealogy

42446. One word Substitution of " Study of oceans and their phenomena

Answer: Oceanography

42447. One word Substitution of " Study of law

Answer: Nomology

42448. One word Substitution of " Study of fossils

Answer: Paleontology

42449. One word Substitution of " Study of ancient things like tombs, buried towns

Answer: Archaeology

42450. One word Substitution of " Strong desire for food, wealth

Answer: Greed
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